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Physiotherapist Glen Lewis Joins the Butler Physiotherapy Team

We're excited to have Glen Lewis Chartered Physiotherapist join the team. He's an excellent physiotherapist, keen runner and ex Marines Commando but we'll let him tell you about himself....

"My fascination towards the human body, injury and rehabilitation was amplified throughout an undergraduate degree at Bournemouth University studying Exercise Prescription and Rehabilitation.

I knew that one day I wanted to work with people in an injury rehabilitation setting, but first I wanted to be part of an Elite environment personally. This led me to becoming a Royal Marines Commando specialising in Mountain Leading. I was exposed to many challenging situations and made great memories. I spent time in the Arctic circle, Desert, Jungle and of course sea. The experience I gained in teamwork, elite mentality, communication and interpersonal relations helped me transition into a Physiotherapy Masters.

I was fortunate to gain a place at St George's University of London to studying a Physiotherapy Masters degree. As a university hospital, we were at the forefront of recent evidence within Physiotherapy and has access to well renowned clinicians. My dissertation included my particular interest in running related injuries, by looking into the role of cadence on running economy and injury rates.

I was keen to maintain and challenge my own physical endeavours and focussed on distance running whilst studying. Running forms a big part of my life now and I have been pleased to achieve recent personal bests of 34 mins for 10k, 74 mins for the half marathon and 2hrs 42 mins for the Marathon. Although, I am always striving for those extra few minutes! For the variety (and holidays) I am a keen road cyclist and follow the sport in my spare time.

Being situated in such a lovely part of the world I am lucky to spend time with my loved ones (including my spaniel) walking through the hills.

I look forward to working with you to help you reach your goals and achieve a healthy lifestyle"

Glen is available on Monday mornings and Wednesday afternoons / evenings at our site in Chilworth.

To book with Glen click HERE

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